Voiced and Voiceless Sounds
Hello students,
Today we're going to write one of the basic and important tips for pronunciation in english language try to fully undrestant. hope this is helpful for you guys,if you any question write your comment here below this post or ask me in your english class...
Voiced and Voiceless Sounds
here are 26 letters in the English alphabet, but there are 39 sounds (15 vowel sounds and 24 consonant sounds) produced by these letters. (see vowel and consonant sections).
A vowel is a sound where air coming from the lungs is not blocked by the mouth or throat. All normal English words contain at least one vowel.
The vowels are:
A, E, I, O, U, and sometimes Y.
'Y' can also behave as a consonant when it is at the beginning of a word.
A consonant is a sound formed by stopping the air flowing through the mouth.