Follow A Vision Forward-Thinking
.:: Follow A Vision ::.

Exclamation يا Interjection

 ناميده مي شوند  Exclamation يا Interjection كلمات تعجبي درزبان انگليسي

Yum = Yum-yum

به معني به به دراشاره به غذاي خوشمزه بكار مي رود

Example: Yum, It’s delicious به به خوشمزه اس 

Yuck = Yuk

براي اظهارتنفرازبوي بد يا غذاي بدمزه بكار مي رود وبه معني اه يا اه ا ه(بافتحه بخوانيد) مي باشد

Example: Yuck, what a revolting smell

اه ا ه! چه بوي مهوعي

Example: yuck! I hate mayonnaise

اه اه من از سس مايونز متنفرم

برای دیدن مابقی کلمات تعجب با ادامه مطلب بروید


.: ادامه مطلب :.
  • نوشته : Forward-Thinking
  • تاریخ: دو شنبه 25 شهريور 1392برچسب: Exclamation, Interjection کلمات تعجب,
  • آیا می دانید این حروف مخفف چه کلمه یا جمله ای هستند؟

    آیا می دانید این حروف مخفف چه کلمه یا جمله ای هستند؟

    IQ = Intelligence Quotient

    بهره هوشي – ضريب هوشي

    ID = Identification

    كارت شناسايي

    برید به ادامه مطلب...


    .: ادامه مطلب :.
  • نوشته : Forward-Thinking
  • تاریخ: دو شنبه 25 شهريور 1392برچسب:مخفف، آکرونیم، جالب,
  • Summit One and Two Assignments part 3 plus lecture


    Hi Students,

    Hope you doing well!

    This homeworks is for Garmsar summit 1 and 2... download the file and prapare yourself for next session class

    Print your homework if NEEDED!


    Have Fun

  • نوشته : Forward-Thinking
  • تاریخ: چهار شنبه 20 شهريور 1392برچسب:Lecture summit one and two,lecture,
  • Phonemic Chart for both summit 1&2


    Hi summit 1&2 students, 

    This phonemic chart uses symbols from the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). IPA symbols are useful for learning pronunciation. The symbols on this chart represent the 44 sounds used in British English speech (Received Pronunciation or RP, an educated accent associated with but not exclusive to south-east England).

    Learners may want to print a copy of this phonemic chart to keep close at hand for reference; so for next session class everyone must print this file and bring it to the class.



  • نوشته : Forward-Thinking
  • تاریخ: چهار شنبه 20 شهريور 1392برچسب:Summit two,phonemic,IPA,
  • Summit One and Two Assignments

    Hi Students,

    Hope you doing well

    This homeworks is for Tehran and pakdasht summit 1 and 2... download the file and prapare yourself for next session class

    Print your homework if NEEDED!


  • نوشته : Forward-Thinking
  • تاریخ: سه شنبه 12 شهريور 1392برچسب:,
  • Lecture summit one and two Part Two

    Hi fellas

    This is for your  SPEAKING SKILL , these are your lecture subject please prepare for the next can search your own topic on the net. and find some useful tips and prepare yourself and do your best.

    here are some roles for lecture so pay attention! will have just 10 min to close your lecture MUST introduce at least 10 new words related to your topic for your classmate and also you must find the phonetic and learn your classmate how they must pronounce each new word 

    3. you will be scored in each lecture

    4.dont change the topic at all

    5.please take note before your lecture should not look to your paper while you speak


  • نوشته : Forward-Thinking
  • تاریخ: دو شنبه 11 شهريور 1392برچسب:,
  • Skimming And Scanning: Two Important Strategies For Reading

    Skimming And Scanning

    Two Important Strategies For Speeding Up Your Reading....

    Skimming and scanning are two very different strategies for speed reading.

    They are each used for different purposes, and they are not meant to be used all the time. They are at the fast end of the speed reading range, while studying is at the slow end. 

    People who know how to skim and scan are flexible readers. They read according to their purpose and get the information they need quickly without wasting time. They do not read everything which is what increases their reading speed. Their skill lies in knowing what specific information to read and which method to use.

    What Is Skimming?(I've talked in your class)

    Skimming is one of the tools you can use to read more in less time.Skimming refers to looking only for the general or main ideas, and works best with non-fiction (or factual) material. With skimming, your overall understanding is reduced because you don’t read everything. You read only what is important to your purpose. Skimming takes place while reading and allows you to look for details in addition to the main ideas.

    How to skim. Many people think that skimming is a haphazard process placing the eyes where ever they fall. However, to skim effectively, there has to be a structure but you don’t read everything. What you read is more important than what you leave out. So what material do you read and what material do you leave out?


    ادامه مطلب مورد نظر رمز دارد.
    لطفا رمز عبور مربوط به مطلب را وارد کرده ، دکمه تایید را کلیک کنید.

    Want to know password? It is my Catchword  in your class...Do you remember? so type it! لبخند

    .: ادامه مطلب :.
  • نوشته : Forward-Thinking
  • تاریخ: دو شنبه 4 شهريور 1392برچسب:reading,skimming,scanning,toefl,gre,
  • نکته های طلایی در یادگیری مکالمه زبان انگلیسی

    یا سلام خدمت همه زبان آموزان عزیز چه در موسساتی که من هستم چه در دانشگاه ها که دوستان جز دانشجوهای خوبی بودن این فایل رو حتما دانلود کنید و مطالعه بکنید که من دیگه تو کلاسها اونقدر رو این مسایل وقت نگذارم و وقت کلاس ها بیهوده تلف نشه!

    در ضمن هرگونه سوالی داشتید یا میتونید در گروه اسپیکینگ بچه های اعزام به خارج از کشور مطرح کنید(برای بچه های تهران) و برای بچه های گرمسار و پاکدشت میتونند پنشنبه شب به صورت آنلاین سوالات خودشان را بپرسند ساعت 9 تا 10 شب در اکانت یاهو که در کلاس مطرح کرده بودم


    دانلود کنید


  • نوشته : Forward-Thinking
  • تاریخ: دو شنبه 4 شهريور 1392برچسب:speaking,toefl,,
  • رایج ترین دیالوگ های انگلیسی در فیلم ها و...(قسمت دوم)

    a swift wit: ذكاوت هوش
    a swingeing lie: دروغ بزرگ لاف زدن
    a sworn evidence:. شهادت دادن گواهني با سوگند
    بالاتر از سیاهی رنگی نیست
    In for a penny, in for a pound
    Black will take no other hue.
    بخت به او رو آورد
    Luck smiled on him
    برج زهر مار است
    He’s like a bear with a sore head
    جا خوردم
    I was taken aback
    به هم نان قرض میدهند
    They scratch each other’s back
    برو پی کارت 

    go fly a kite
    تو نمی توانی با حرف این مسئله را حل کنی 
    you cant argue away this matter
    ا و بیش از حد خوش خوراک است 

    her tastes are too expensive

    او مدام در مورد مشکلاتش صحبت میکرد

    she babbled on about his problem
    او همیشه از دوستانش حمایت می کند 
    he always backs up his friends

    او آنرا با عصبانیت روی میز کوبید

    she banged it back on the table

    انتظار آنچه را که اتفاق افتاد نداشتم

    i didnt bargain for what happened


     superficial observer: شخص ظاهربين
    a sustaining:روزي رسان


  • نوشته : Forward-Thinking
  • تاریخ: یک شنبه 2 شهريور 1392برچسب:,
  • The God

    كلمه "خدا" يكي از كلمات پركاربرد در گفتگوهاست،به همين منظورنهايت سعي ام راكردم تا مجموعه ای از عبارات،اصطلاحات،ضرب المثل ها و جملاتي كه در آنها اين كلمه استفاده شده است را تقديم زبان آموزان عزیز میکنم.




    The All-knowing


    خداوندتبارك وتعالي


    The Supreme Being






    خداازسرتقصيرات مابگذرد


    Lord bless us






    انشاالله،اگرخدا بخواهد


    God willing






    نکته رندانه:

    چه خیانتی است به حرمت و وقار بشری!چه دردناک است که آدمی از

    عالی ترین عطیه ای که به او ارزانی داشته اند -مغزش- فقط 10%بهره

    می گیرد واز هیجان ها و غرایزش 90%

    از کتاب انیشتین و شاعر 


    .: ادامه مطلب :.
  • نوشته : Forward-Thinking
  • تاریخ: یک شنبه 3 شهريور 1392برچسب:,
  • ?What is an Acronym

    Hey Guys, you know what is Acronym?

    In my classes I see almost all students have problem knowing the meaning of Acronym and thats why I want to explain it with some useful example..

    An acronym is a word whose letters are the first letters of other words. People often create a short acronym that means the same thing as a much longer phrase (set of words). This is faster and shorter to say then the long phrase.


    ASL = age,sex,location

    سن،جنسیت ومکان شما چیست(مورداستفاده در چت)

    PM = Private Message
    پيغامهايي که بين دوکاربر در چت رد و بدل مي شود

    PC = Personal Computer کامپیوتر شخصی

    etc. = et cetera وغیره

    vs. = versus درمقابل

    e.g. = exempli gratia مثال،بعنوان مثال

    i.e. = id est یعنی ، بعبارت دیگر

    a.m. = ante meridiem قبل از ظهر

    p.m. = post meridiem بعدازظهر

    A.D. = Anno Domini بعدازمیلادمسیح



    .: ادامه مطلب :.
  • نوشته : Forward-Thinking
  • تاریخ: یک شنبه 3 شهريور 1392برچسب:,
  • گام به گام برای درک هرچه بیشتر فیلم های انگلیسی (قسمت اول) به درخواست زبان آموزان

    Hey Guys,

    Many student ask me about undrestanding slang and movies I diveded that in to 4 seprate part here is the first part hope this help you My great students لبخند

    For Intermediate Level

    some in use slang in american movies 

    1) First off

    قبل از هر چیز، اول از همه

    e.g. First off, let's see how much it'll cost


    2) Run away

    (به قصد ازدواج) فرار کردن

    e.g. They ran away together to get married


    3) Stand up to sb

    جلوی کسی درآمدن، جلوی کسی محکم ایستادن

    e.g. One day someone's gonna stand up to you. Someone's gonna teach you a lesson


    4) Make a wish

     (مثلا قبل از فوت کردن شمع تولد) یه آرزو بکن!


    5) Long shot

    بعید بودن، احتمالش ضعیف بودن

    e.g. Chelsea are a 20-1 long shot to win the championship

    e.g. It's a long shot, but it just might work


    .: ادامه مطلب :.
  • نوشته : Forward-Thinking
  • تاریخ: یک شنبه 3 شهريور 1392برچسب:,
  • Professional American Accent Lesson

    Linguistic red. in the English language are lost sounds in words. This happens in spoken English. For instance, "going to" changes to "gonna". The most widely known reductions are contractions. Most contractions are reductions of 'not'. For instance, "cannot" becomes "can't". Many contractions are  between a subject and a verb. For instance, "He is..." becomes "He's..."

    Some reductions are well known to language learners; for instance the reduction of a verb and "to". Examples are "going to" becoming

    "gonna" and "want to" becoming "wanna". These reductions are part of natural English. They cannot be considered slang, or improper.

    We have extensive course for this important tips which hold by Abolfazl mokhtari 

    Lesson 1

    In this lesson you will learn red. formed with what + is + word. You will then take a test in your class...


    Red. formed with what + is + word
    Formation: whassup = what + is + up
    Usage: Hey, whassup?
    Meaning: Hey, what is up?

    Formation: whatser = what + is + her
    Usage: Whatser name?
    Meaning: What is her name?

    Formation: whatsiz = what + is + his
    Usage: Whatsiz name?
    Meaning: What is his name?


    Lesson 2

    In this lesson you will learn red. formed with word + me. You will then take a test in your class...





    ادامه مطلب مورد نظر رمز دارد.
    لطفا رمز عبور مربوط به مطلب را وارد کرده ، دکمه تایید را کلیک کنید.

    Oops, You must pay for it!

    .: ادامه مطلب :.
  • نوشته : Forward-Thinking
  • تاریخ: یک شنبه 3 شهريور 1392برچسب:American Accent,
  • Voiced and Voiceless Sounds

    Hello students,

    Today we're going to write one of the basic and important tips for pronunciation in english language try to fully undrestant. hope this is helpful for you guys,if you any question write your comment here below this post or ask me in your english class...

    Voiced and Voiceless Sounds 

    here are 26 letters in the English alphabet, but there are 39 sounds (15 vowel sounds and 24 consonant sounds) produced by these letters. (see vowel and consonant sections).

    A vowel is a sound where air coming from the lungs is not blocked by the mouth or throat. All normal English words contain at least one vowel.


            The vowels are:

            A, E, I, O, U, and sometimes Y. 

             'Y' can also behave as a consonant when it is at the beginning of a word.

    A consonant is a sound formed by stopping the air flowing through the mouth.


    .: ادامه مطلب :.
  • نوشته : Forward-Thinking
  • تاریخ: یک شنبه 3 شهريور 1392برچسب:english tips, accent,phonetics,
  • Tips to speak with a British Accent

    One of my smart student named Mahshid in Beheshti University asked me this question about British accent...

    My great teacher dear Mehrdad Mokhtari I have been working on my British Accent impression. I already use words like Utter Rubbish and I say words like Bloody and naughty how the brits pronounce them. Give me tips to speak with a better British Accent.

    And my short answer in the following...

    Mz Mahshid Try not to prounounce you R's so much. Pronounce T's and D's more. Keep your tongue nearer the bottom of your mouth. Speak softly. Listen to British films like planet earth and try to copy them. We have lots of different accents but if you want to sound like Kate, ummm, we say they have a plum in their mouth but perhaps thats not very helpful. Its not an easy one to copy, even for us. You'd need to go to Eton for a few years.



     I'd love to hear your comments guys.  I hope this is helpful for you!

  • نوشته : Forward-Thinking
  • تاریخ: یک شنبه 3 شهريور 1392برچسب:,
  • Lecture summit one and two


    Hi students,

    this is for your  SPEAKING SKILL, these are your lecture subject please prepare for the next can search your own topic on the net. and find some useful tips and prepare yourself and do your best.

    here are some roles for lecture so pay attention!

    1. you will have just 10 min to close your lecture.

    2. you MUST introduce at least 10 new words related to your topic for your classmate and also you must find the phonetic and learn your classmate how they must pronounce each new word.

    3. you will be scored in each lecture.

    4. dont change the topic at all.

    5. please take note before your lecture.

    6. you should not look to your paper while you speak.


  • نوشته : Forward-Thinking
  • تاریخ: یک شنبه 3 شهريور 1392برچسب:Lecture summit one and two,lecture,
  • How to Do a Good English Oral Presentation

    ?How to Do a Good English Oral Presentation


    Giving a good oral presentation involves time and skill. You need to learn how to research well, organize your ideas, engage your audience and feel confident talking in public. Don't expect to give your first presentationperfectly.Learning how to give oral presentations effectively takes practice and patience. Don't get discouraged if you feel nervous and awkward time and again. Remember that many great orators, including Abraham Lincoln, only becametalented speakers through years of dedicated practice.

    Step 1

    Choose an interesting topic. Think about your audience, and pick a topic that appeals to you and to them. Having a topic you like enables you to speak passionately about it. Your audience will be attracted by their interest in the subject and by your enthusiasm for it. Your topic should be appropriate for the length of the presentation. A shorter presentation allows you to give a brief overview of a subject, while a longer presentation requires a more-detailed topic that you explore in depth.

    Step 2

    Gather information. Jot down anything you already know about your topic. Tell other people what topic you've chosen, and ask them what they would want to hear about the subject. Take this into account as you do more research.



    .: ادامه مطلب :.
  • نوشته : Forward-Thinking
  • تاریخ: یک شنبه 3 شهريور 1392برچسب: Oral Presentation,
  • American movies rating system

    :) It's time to learn about "Dangerous English" 
    American movies system rating 
    There is a system for rating American movies. The ratings do not say how good the movies are. They only tell the level of 6, nudity, violence, and vulgar language that are included. (Nudity= men and women without clotheson. Violence=fighting, hurting, killing, blood).
    "G" movies are for general audiences, including youngchildren. There are no nude (unclothed) scenes, few scenes ofviolence, and no
    vulgar language.
    "PG"movies suggest that Parental Guidance is needed, and the movie is not good for young children. A "PG" movie may contain brief (short) 6 scenes. The actors may be nude from the waist upfor a brief time. Or a "PG" movie may contain some upsetting violence and vulgar language.
    "R" movies are Restricted. That means that children under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult. ''R'' movies may contain a lot of nudity and 6, or a lot of violence, or both 6 and violence. There may be a lot of vulgar language.
    "X" movies are for adults 18 and older only. "X" movies are generally p.o.r.nographic,with not much story at all. They are made for the purpose of ...ual excitement. There are many dctailed 6 scenes, with possible perversions, nude bodies, and vulgar language.
    Okay, that's all for now,,,I am out.


  • نوشته : Forward-Thinking
  • تاریخ: یک شنبه 3 شهريور 1392برچسب: طبقه بندی فیلم ها در آمریکا,Dangerous English, movies,
  • Summit one Assignment


     Hello summit one students,

    here is your assignment part one you can download this file in below link hope you enjoy learning english if you have any question you can drop your comment here I 'll answer ASAP

    This related to your vocabulary and reading section that you will be asked in your final exam


  • نوشته : Forward-Thinking
  • تاریخ: شنبه 3 شهريور 1392برچسب:Summit one,
  • Summit Two Assignment

    Hello summit two students,

    here is your assignment part one you can download this file in below link hope you enjoy learning english if you have any question you can drop your comment here I 'll answer ASAP.

    This related to your vocabulary and reading section that you will be asked in your final exam


  • نوشته : Forward-Thinking
  • تاریخ: شنبه 3 شهريور 1392برچسب:Summit two,

  • studentz



    Follow A Vision Forward-Thinking

    Exclamation يا Interjection

    Follow A Vision Forward-Thinking

    Welcome To My Website ,This Website Related To Garmsar university Students of petroleum Eng. Your Time Is Limited Don't Waste It The Knowledge is Power

    Follow A Vision Forward-Thinking